Within AvPlan EFB, you can tap Settings > Subscriptions, and the current subscriptions attached to your login profile will be displayed under the words 'My Subscriptions:'.
If you have already purchased a subscription or subscriptions and they aren't showing up on the list, it may be because of one of the following causes:
You are not signed in. Sign in using your username (generally your email address) and AvPlan password in Settings > User Settings > Username. Once you're logged in, tap Subscriptions and tap the circular arrow 'refresh' icon in the top-right of the screen.
You have internet connectivity issues and AvPlan EFB cannot contact the server. Check your connection settings and/or data availability (in the case of a cellular data network connection).
On our website, tap Login, and log in using your AvPlan username and AvPlan password, then select Account. Note: subscriptions purchased via iTunes will not display on the website, as they are stored on your device(s).